Saturday, July 11, 2009

Random Update

Now I can promise you this update is going to have LOTS of Pictures!! Last weekend we went out to Carthage, SD for the 4Th of July weekend. Now so some don't get confused...SD means South Dakota not San Diego...that has caused some common confusion. Its the second year we have gone. Mitchell's Mom and Grandma drive up there every year for the Potter Family Reunion. We really got to enjoy time with family. The pressure from Alayna and the cramps/contractions were there. Grandma came up with the idea to take a dish towel and tie it around my waist to help hold up my tummy. Help take some of the pressure off my pelvic area. She mentioned her Dr. recommended her trying it when she was pregnant with Mitchell's Uncle. It worked!!! I'm sure they probably have things specially for that now a days but a dish towel?!? lol Now to the Pictures!Group shot of Mom(Burke) holding Hannah, Mitchell, KalieAnn, and I!
Another Group Shot:
Mom(Burke) holding Hannah, Aunt Barb, and Grandma Stevens with our little KalieAnn in front!

Now the Girls had a blast playing in the Mud Puddles in front of Aunt Barbs house! One thing that is nice about a small town is that the girls were able to play out in the street and I didn't have to worry about it!! Now Did I leave them outside by themselves? Not for a very long time. To go in and go potty or get something.
As you can see up above we brought the girls bikes!
Hannah enjoyed putting the mud and water into the back of her trike!!
Even KalieAnn had fun in the mud puddle! Once she realized she was dirty she wanted clean...which is normal for our Girlie Girl. But we told her she had to wait to get cleaned up till she was done playing! Which after a small fight she did! She stayed dirty and played a while longer!
Can you tell this dog is truly loved? Hannah is Dodger's new Bud!!
Now for the Update on my Dr.s Appointment we had last Wednesday! Alayna is growing great and right on cue as usual!!!!! My uterus measurements, her heart beat and all my tests are right where they should be! He seemed a little concerned about my contractions and Pelvic Pressure. The doctor mentioned that it sounded like(which they are)the contractions are to random and too small to be doing anything but because i am showing these signs 4 weeks earlier than normal to take it easy. I can do that when my girls allow me lol!!! Right now Hannah is being her monkey self! Climbing on whatever she can and getting into whatever she can. Our next Doctors appointment won't be till the 29Th because we will be heading out to Colorado on Wednesday for a couple weeks! Well I need to go figure out lunch!!! God Bless and We Hope Everyone had a Really fun 4Th of July weekend!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

KalieAnn & Trip

I just realized this morning that I didn't come on and give the update on what we decided on with KalieAnn. Saturday afternoon we ended up going to Costco and getting her perscription filled. She wasn't acting any better or worse. She seemed to be at the steady pace of not wanting to eat much or do anything. We gave her her perscription and she started showing signs of improvements a couple hours later. Now our little girl is back. This weekend we are heading up to Carthage, SD to see family. KalieAnn is thrilled!!!Me? I'm as excited as my tired body will let me be. Mitchell is getting another 4 day weekend!!! He has Friday and Monday off. Then on the 15th we plan on heading down to Colorado to see some more family for a little while.
We were thinking about doing a road trip to California and Colorado to see both of our families but decided against it for a few reasons. Reasoning behind not doing both is because I find myself stressed out at the end of them. When you do both it cuts your time short in both places which leaves little time to enjoy the vacation and enjoy the time we do get to spend with family. Now Why Colorado and not California?
Main reason is because I am 31 weeks pregnant this weekend. At my last Dr.'s appointment as you read Alayna is already head down. Since my last appointment I have started to feel some pelvic pressure, more legs cramps and just over all feeling of being uncomfortable. I don't remember being this uncomfortable with Hannah until I was 34 weeks. So the fact that its already starting makes us a bit nervous about traveling a really far distance. The only reason I haven't called the doctor yet is because Alayna is moving like crazy. Which tells me she is fine.
Second...we chose Colorado not only because it was closer but also because his Dad went into the hospital a few weeks back and is still undergoing some tests.
Third but final reason is because we are hoping to be moving there this upcoming March. Which means I will have plenty of time to spend with my family out in California. Are we for sure yet on whether or not we are getting California? No. But we should be able to find that out in October. I am also thinking about the girls and I flying out there the beginning of December for a few reason. One Alayna will be old enough and two my Best Friend that I have known since I was Four years old is due in the middle of December with their 1st baby and would love to be able to say I've seen her big and pregnant! lol. Anyway thats my long update for now! God Bless!