Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Birthday Party

Her birthday party was great! Just about everyone showed up and well I had a blast hanging out with everyone. Granted I was exhausted after I cleaned up the place a little. When you don't host get togethers like that very often you tend to forget the exhausting part of it. However my body still seems to be a bit out of whack when it comes to my hormones.

These past couple of days I have been a bit emotional. Some part because yesterday was a bit of a stressful day but putting that a side I still have been a bit more temper mental and bit more on the emotional side. SO I figured there would be two reasons... Reason One: My body trying to get back on a regular schedule seeing that I haven't had a period since I found out I was prego with Hannah. The doctor said that I should have one within a month of when I stopped nursing. Which was the 15Th of last month so we'll he did say that before I have my period I will ovulate which goes to the Reason 2: Prego..since we are trying to get pregnant AGAIN. But I'm ruling out Reason 2 because I took a prego test tonight and it popped up negative.

And yes..I think I have lost my mind completely for trying for our third but here's our reasoning. When I was pregnant with KalieAnn my experience with a military doctor was far from good....It was SO far from a good experience that I would really not have to deal with it Pregnant again. Now Reason 1 is because I don't want to have another military doctor and I REALLY like the civilian doctor that I have now we've decided to start trying...

Why now? Because Mitchell only has 17 more(estimate) months on production adding prego time that's not a whole lot of time

Reason 2: We really would like to not have a baby in Nov., Dec, or January which means Starting January we'll be done trying if I am not prego by then till April. If that were to happen we'd be cutting really close to moving time.

So there it is our crazy decision to start trying for another...and yes I agree its crazy..there moments with the girls where they just drive me crazy and the first thought that pops into my head is "and your trying for another?" The thing is I love it when my girls drive me crazy because afterwards Cuddle time!!! I love when KalieAnn curls up on the couch next to me while I watch TV...She usually curls up right in my back or Hannah hanging out with me in the Glider. Well I'm tired..its been well an interesting day. The girls let me sleep in and it was just one of those rainy and gloomy days. Hard to get yourself moving but once I did I lost track of time and whola late dinner and now late bed time. I'm off to go investigate the back of my eye lids..God Bless!

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