Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Craft Projects

I love doing crafts!!! There's no better feeling ....well outside watching your kids grow and accomplish something new that makes them extremely proud of themselves..than to accomplish a project you have set out to do. This family I have feeling is going to be very creative. Mitchell and I both love creating things...just in very different ways. We have two toy boxes that Mitchell has put with the help of his Mom. He's also made plaques for the guys at his work that leave. Needless to say he is really good at making projects and he loves doing it. Its too bad that he doesn't have the time to get all the projects he'd like done done. I'm also very thank full that his Mom raised him to do anything he needs to do to make it on his own...she even went as far as teaching him to crochet. Does he crochet? LOL No but when I get stuck on one of my projects he's REALLY good at helping me out. If I have to pull rows out in knitting he's there to help! It's Awesome!
Projects I have Finished!

I have finished a couple of baby blankets. One was made for a little boy. It has been finished for a while now...I just have yet to mail it to the person it will belong too. I keep telling myself next pay day...well things keep coming up. So one Saturday Mitchell has off we will be full of boxes to mail out.
Here's the blanket. Its from one of those Quick Knit Baby Afghan pattern books. I'm not sure this is the best picture of I could have taken but I really like that variegated yarn mixed in with the white yarn. most knit patterns I do are the basic knit and pearl stitches. I don't consider myself an advance knitter. I've thought about signing up for a class on learning how to knit at I can learn some new techniques and read other patterns better.

The Next project I've finished just need to weave in the loose ends on the wash cloths is what I do for most my friends having babies. A baby blanket with two wash clothes! This was a pattern I was really excited about finishing it the first time! Its not just the basic knit and pearl pattern. As you can see it has Holes in it!!! I was soo excited when I taught myself that technique. This is yet another project that needs to get mailed lol. See what I mean about boxes? lol

These next two are the wash clothes that I have sitting on top of the blanket. I've noticed with variegated yarn its hard to see the pattern. But oh well!

Now for the projects that are under construction...

Now here are bunch of wash clothes that all I really need to do to them is weave in the ends. From one of the big rolls of variegated yarns I think I could have gotten 11 wash clothes out of it with the pattern I used. But I stopped at ten because I want to try and make the girls some Barbie Suitcases out of it for Christmas...we'll see if I can figure out the pattern.
These are the other color wash clothes I am going to try and make for Christmas. The green wash cloth that is in progress here will be partnered with one of the others up top for a Christmas present. The other two rolls of yarn you see here will be paired together.

Here is a baby blanket I am currently working on. I need to start another as soon as I decide which one gets this. I have been in constant debate with myself on wheter or not this is a neutral blanket because I didn't realize the knit pattern had hearts in it. But you can only tell its hearts unless you look closely. So I think I've made the final decision that it is.

Last but def. not least I am making two 8X8 books for our Moms..his and mine..of our little family. This is from two falls ago the pages you are seeing. Well..I need to go get something accomplished today!!!

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