Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Grandpa JB

I wanted to come on and give the sad news of my Grandpa JB (my Dad's Dad). He passed away last Monday morning due to cancer. Its sad to have him go but we are all glad that he didn't suffer for very long. So I ask for every ones prayers for our family. God Bless.

Doctors Appointment

Alright, our doctors appointment was earlier this morning. It went well. Hannahs doing great as usual and inducing was talked about. She has dropped into position and my body is where it needs to be to induce. My cervix is still dialated 3 1/2cm and soft. Hannah is still just as active in there when she wants to be and it has become a very painful process for me. My body is sore and I am ready but like I told the doctor "I am really uncomfortable and I am really tired But I want whats best forthe baby." So with that said it was decidedthat we would wait another week and then set the day to induce around her due date which is a week from Saturday. So more than likely we'll get to meet Hannah by the end of next week. yay! Well thats all for now! God Bless!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Doctors Appointment

Alright now our doctors appointment was this afternoon. Hannah is still doing great. My cervix hasn't changed since last Thursday night. However we are now ready for her to arrive when she does come. Here are some maternity pics that I have finished messing with. Thought I would share them.

Family Day Awards

Yesterday was mandatory Family day for the marines. At the end of each family day I have noticed that they give out awards. Mitchell and his office did very well the past couple of months. Heres the pictures of them accepting their awards. Mitchell recieved two awards.The first was a bat for Recruitor of the month and the second was a battle ax for being the first recruitor to write four contracts in a month. His office got a ton of awards. For being the first office to close out on mission for the past five months(five individual awards, one per months), for carrying the offices RS on shipping for a couple of months..and some others I can't remember. The one of the group is his office had to come forward andthe CO explained how much Coon Rapids has helped the RS if not had to carry the RS' mission a couple months, and the last one is of SSGT Scobee with everyones awards on the table.

Friday, February 15, 2008

My Hospital Stay

Well our OB appointment went A lot differently than we planned. Hannah is still doing Great so no worries. Our doctor suspected that my infection was in my kidneys and to protect me and the baby he had me admitted to the hospital yesterday to have stronger antibiotics given to me through an IV. They took pictures of my kidneys and blatter. They were even nice enough to give us some new pics of the baby. The ultrasound showed my kidneys swollen and a little fluid in them to cause irritation but nothing to be concerned about. Now the other good thing about going in is they were able to watch the contractions and cramps that I have been getting pretty strong at night. We noticed that they were mild contractions and the doctor thought that was reassuring but decided to check my cervix just in case. My cervix was at 1 1/2 - 2cm tight this morning. At midnight last night it was at 3 1/2cm soft. So I'm ordered to watch and pay attention to my body. He also wants to see me again Monday or I just scheduled the appointment tuesday afternoon. We also have one Friday morning. So we'll see....I've decided to head off and start getting ready for Hannah's arrival....labor bag...wash clothes..little stuff. God Bless! Have any question e-mail me otherwise I will try and keep this updated.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Hannah dropped a little bit last night. However her head isn't locked in there yet. I was in a lot of pain last night and this morning. The doctor had me go in and get monitored. The nurse there said Hannah "looks beautiful, she's doing great." However I have a UTI. So now I am on antibiotics and will still be seeing our doctor on Thursday morning. Well I need to take my tired, queesy behind upstairs and relax for a little bit after a nice warm shower. God Bless!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008


As everyone knows we had our ob appointment Last Friday. Hannah looks great!!! However i was wrong about my contraction not being strong enough to do anything...hehe.. my cervix is softened and has started to dialate a little. Its dialated like a funnel. Its opening in the front and closed near Hannah. Our next OB appointment is this thursday morning. So we'll see if anythings changed this week. God Bless!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Photo Fun!

My Best Friend Jenn mailed her Photoshop Program to me and last night she walked me how to use some of it. So I have been having soooo much fun playing with it today!!! I can't wait to learn more and take some more pictures to play in it. She has given me some good ideas for some pictures to take. I'm soo excited!!! Not sure if anyone reads this but tell me what you think!!!!! God Bless!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Getting Ready!!

We have started the process of getting ready for Hannah to arrive and its been exciting. We got KalieAnn a set of bunk beds that can come apart. We figure when we upgrade Hannah, she'll upgrade into the twin and they can share a room. KalieAnn's part of the bed is a full size. She's pretty excited about her new bed. In fact its been easier to put her down for naps since we got it. We also were able to get Hannah her crib and thanks to my wonderful friend Jen, we have the crib's bedding for it. So her crib is set up in her room, yay!!! Mitchell also set up our glider in the living room for me. The process of getting ready for her has started and I couldn't be more thrilled!
My body has even begun to start practicing for the day she's going to arrive. I experienced A LOT of strong contractions yesterday. Completly wore me out. But they weren't regular or close enough for us to be worrying about going in. I got a Great night sleep last night and I woke up feeling great this morning. So my focus today is going to be on getting this house picked back up.
KalieAnn is still growing a great deal. She's become our little imitator. We've really had to watch what comes out of our mouths. She has also begun herself on potty training again. She's beginning to get the concept of underwear and today we're working on using the "big girl potty in the bathroom."
Mitchell seems to have gotten right back in his routine. He has one kid enlisting this week and a few other possibilities. He got to go Ice fishing last Saturday after he helped me with groceries and finished putting together KalieAnn's bed. Yesterday, he took us out to breakfast and then KalieAnn and I had to drop him off at work. We went and looked at stores in the area until it was time to pick him up. After that he got to watch the Super bowl. He was very excited and Happy about the out come. Now he's back to working hard.
Our next OB appointment is this Friday morning, I think the 8th is the date. So we'll see! Thanks again for all of you that came and gave us the beautiful gifts at our baby shower! God Bless!!