Thursday, January 31, 2008

OB Appointment

Our OB appointment was this morning and everythings looking good. Hannah is growing good and he said she isn't a big baby. I might feel like a house but she's not a big baby. Her heartbeat was good and strong. We'll be seeing him again on the morning of the 8th of February.
KalieAnn has been doing a very good job at being two these days...Throwing wonderful tantrums and relearning her boundaries. I'll update more later. I need to go clean house before I loose this burst of energy.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

We're home

Well I just thought I should inform everyone that we arrived safely home last night. The trip was relaxing considering we had a two year old who behaved extremely well.
I do have a prayer request for my Grandpa on my Dad's side. He's been given 6 months, maybe a year to live. Please pray for my family as they spend time going up to help out Grandma.
Our next OB appointment is this Wednesday the 30Th. Well I'll up date it more on the 30Th! I'm off to try and work on my house. God Bless!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Mom's surgery went well accept for the fact that they weren't able to accomplish what they needed to. So now we'll wait and see as a family to see what mom decides for her next step.
Last Saturday night Mitchell arrived in CO. He's been enjoying time with his parents. Mean while KalieAnn and I are trying to fit in everyone that wants to see us before we leave on Thursday to meet Mitchell in Denver. We have been having a good time here with my family. I'll post more when we arrive at his moms house. God Bless!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Thank You!!!

I just wanted to come on and say THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for coming and all your guys amazing gifts that we got at our baby shower. I had soo much fun and hope that you guys enjoyed yourselves just as much.
Its looking more and more like we are going to be able to stop by and see his parents for a couple of days at the end of this month. Mitchell wants to try and head down next Saturday morning. He'll then pick me up at the airport on the night of the 24Th. We'll more than likely be staying at a hotel up there for the night and then head back to his parents the next day. We will then hang out there till the 28Th or 29Th to head back home.
KalieAnn and I are really enjoying our time here in Cali. The weather has been beautiful!! Nice and warm. It has been fun watching KalieAnn keep track of where her Nanners and Uncle Bobby take off too. Well I hope everyone is having a good Sunday! God Bless!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

We've Arrived!!!!

We arrived in California last night a little bit before 11pm. The flights were on time and the people around us were patient and great about the few tantrums KalieAnn did throw on the airplane. Flights went fast and easy without any problems.
A new update is we might be ending our flight in Denver on the way back to MN. The plan right now if Mitchell can get the time off work is he'll pick me up at the Denver airport, spend about four or five days with his folks and then drive home. When I know more I'll post the update. God Bless!!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Baby Registry!

I thought I should let everyone know that we are registered at! I forgot to post that and people have been there it is...Right now I am trying really hard not to stress about our flight tomorrow while I am packing...So I'm going to go try and finish up packing so I can relax upstairs with Mitchell. Pray for a safe trip for us!!!!!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

OB Appointment!

Our OB Appointment went GREAT!!! Hannah is doing Great and the doctor gave me everything I might need for my trip. The just in cases I didn't even think about!!! The note telling the airline its okay for me to fly and copies of my paperwork in case something happens while I am out there and need to be checked out! I'm really excited and nervous about this trip! Excited and can't wait to see everyone but nervous about the trip out there. What obstacles are we going to face? Will I be able to handle it with KalieAnn? Mitchell keeps being my awesome husband and reassuring me that it will be fine. My hunny such a proud Daddy.... :).

Mitchell is doing well..there office will be closing out by mid next week. They ran in to some difficulties with some of their kids to enlist but are still working hard and working ahead. Mitchell might have a total of four guys this month and is already working on a couple of people for next month!! He has his evaluation today and it wound up being a pretty good one! Both his Gunny and Master Sergeant don't see why he wouldn't get meritorious promotion this year if he keeps up the hard work and writing at least 3 people a month. So Let pray for him!!!! I know he secretly wants the meritorious promotion!

We celebrated our four year wedding anniversary last night!!! God seem to have worked in our favor and shut the power off in most of Coon Rapids. So he was able to get off and be home at 4:30pm!! We went out and saw The National Treasure Book of secrets!! Great Movie!!! It was nice to be able to get out and be a couple. Our neighbor was nice enough to watch the little munchkin for us.

KalieAnn is just as mischievous and cute as ever! Constantly learning! She never ceases to amaze me! I told Mitchell she's not our little baby anymore! Well I'm off to get things done before we leave!! Love you all!!!! God Bless!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Baby Shower!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and Happy New Year!!! Mitchell and I have been married for four years today!!!!!! I can't believe how fast time is flying by!
The pictures above are some pictures that I took today so everyone can see how huge I am getting!!!! The picture with the pink tank top is a size small maternity shirt and it doesn't even want to cover my tummy! The gray T-shirt is one of Mitchell EXTRA LARGE T-shirts and it's coming up on my tummy!!!
Anywhoo, I probably should get to the update on the Baby Shower that my mom is planning. It's on January 12Th at noon! Its being held at my Uncle Tom's house in Fall brook. I just mailed out some invitations this morning. E-mail me for the address if you'd like to come! It would be great to see everyone!!!!
KalieAnn and I arrive in Cali at 11pm on the 7Th of this month. Basically next Monday night!!! 3 days away!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! Well I'm off..I'll be posting another update tomorrow!!!