Monday, December 7, 2009

A Little of Everything

Lets just say its been a while since I've been up here to give an update. The days the last couple of months have been long making these months feel like they are passing by slowly but in reality I can't believe we just finished getting the CHRISTMAS tree up and decorated yesterday. I mean Christmas already? For anyone that has been on Recruiting Duty knows it just flat out blows! During the weeks Mitchell will go as long as Two or Three Days with out seeing the girls. Their missons used to consist of a number and you'd fill with either males or females...whom ever you had the supply of. Now they want a certain amount of males and a female...well lets face it not very man girls grow saying I want to be a marine within a certain area. Currently there is a lot of Drama going on between my Husbands boss the command. Who's getting hurt in the cross fire? The guys in the office. Its flat out wrong and stupid. They're lucky if they get one day off again in a week because they are requiring them to find the female. They've even gone as far as delaying every ones leave. Which put Mitchell at risk of not being able to come out with us to see my Sister-in-Law graduate from OCS(Officer Candidate School). Luckily they grew some common sense and he will be able to go. So I'm off the charts happy about that! What that means for everyone Else's leave I'm not sure....hope things work out for them. I know they have a female going down on hopefully that goes well for them.

In the meantime Mitchell has missed the ending of all the girls classes...from swimming to KalieAnn's Halloween parade at her school.

I have to also admit that when it comes to Recruiting Duty we have been very blessed. Last month was the first month in 2 1/2 years that they've missed misson and it was because they couldn't find a female. But because they were so good at making misson at the beginning of the month and the boss they had over the last year we were spoiled with time with Mitchell. We had a very fun summer.

The time out routine with Hannah is slowly starting to pay long as I stick with it. I've had a fairly good week with her. The days I don't are when I trail off the time out routine or she's just rechecking her boundaries. I've also found a solution to the girls picking up their toys. I'll set the timer on the over...if its a fair size mess..I'll give them a half hour. If most the toys aren't picked up by the time it beeps I'll pick them up..put them in a box...and let them know they don't get them back until they can show me they can be responsible with the toys they still have in the toy box. It took a couple times for them to realize i was serious about it. Last night we did it and most of the toys were picked up so I added another ten minutes. 99% of their toys got picked up. So I feel that path is so far successful.

For now I am trying to catch up with my house and getting it fairly clean and ready for us to leave on our trip...on top of packing and getting us ready for our trip. Trip? Yup as you read above we are heading out Wednesday morning to Quantico, VA to see Mataya graduate from OCS. We are all VERY proud of her!! Go Mataya! Now For some updated Pics!
KalieAnn at her Dance Recital! I was so pleased when I found this shot!! I think is just a beautiful picture of my little Girl. I still look at her and can't help think she is growing up way too fast.
Our little trouble maker!! You wouldn't be able to tell just by this picture. She's getting soo big too! She's also become my little love/ cuddle bug.
She let me do her hair!! Now she doesn't have enough to do her first set of pig tails yet. But I hair sprayed her curls and put a clip in the front to get the hair out of her face. One of the few times my little Hannah looked really girly!! She is soo cute!

And Last but certainly not least!! Our little Alayna!!! I can't believe she's three months old and slowly getting on a good schedule. :) She's smiling and has a true laugh now. Soo cute!! Well I need to get pics sent to my on the house..pack make dinner and play with my girls in there!!

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