Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas & New Year!!

I know its late but I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and soon tobe Happy New year!!! We had Mitchell's Mom and Dad come up for Christmas. It was def. a lot of fun. I wore myself out trying to finish mom's blanket, which is the picture of the blue blanket up there. Sneaking off into our room during the day to working on it. Plus staying up late and getting up early. I was really excited when it was finished on Christmas day and no not because "Oh my Gosh I finally got it done" excitement. It was the first Afghan I have ever finished!!!!! So It was like an exciting "I can't believe I did it!" I'm not sure if you can see the pattern but its got like a wave type pattern in it. Now I have a new found hope that I can knit blankets and get them finished! The best part about it, is it only took a week and a half!!! So A couple days ago I decided with this new found hope to try and learn a knitting technique. So I started a baby blanket that would help me to learn how to increase and decrease stitches!! Guess What!!! It Looks Great!!! Who would have known!!!!!
It was Hannah's first Christmas and I think the first Christmas KalieAnn really knew what was going on.
The doll house was a project that his Mom, Dad and Mitchell worked on. They worked really hard all Christmas Eve to get it done and try to keep it a secret from KalieAnn. But KalieAnn being her mothers daughter found out about it that night. She was walking with Grandma downstairs to find Grandpa and KalieAnn says "Grandpa's working on my doll house!" So much for it being a surprise lol! Well we had a wonderful Christmas and hope you did too! If I don't get on here before the New Year....Happy New Year!!!!! God Bless!!!!

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