Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Hey Everyone!!

We ended up having our OB check up early due to some other things needing to be checked out. Hannah is growing great!! Right where she needs to be..making mommy huge!! he he. I can't believe how fast time is flying by! We've only got three more months before Hannah is due to show her cute little self to the family.

KalieAnn is continually getting bigger and learning things really fast. She's regressed a bit on her potty training but she's figured out how to unlock her doors to her room. She never ceases to amaze us on how fast she picks things up.

Mitchell is doing well all around. He got four people to enlist in the marines on the first of this month and got an awards for it. He's already got two people possibly lined up for next month. So we'll see. He's also taken some project for the guys in the office...making sword holders, show boxes, and other stuff. Hope everyone is enjoying their Holiday season!!!

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