Friday, February 15, 2008

My Hospital Stay

Well our OB appointment went A lot differently than we planned. Hannah is still doing Great so no worries. Our doctor suspected that my infection was in my kidneys and to protect me and the baby he had me admitted to the hospital yesterday to have stronger antibiotics given to me through an IV. They took pictures of my kidneys and blatter. They were even nice enough to give us some new pics of the baby. The ultrasound showed my kidneys swollen and a little fluid in them to cause irritation but nothing to be concerned about. Now the other good thing about going in is they were able to watch the contractions and cramps that I have been getting pretty strong at night. We noticed that they were mild contractions and the doctor thought that was reassuring but decided to check my cervix just in case. My cervix was at 1 1/2 - 2cm tight this morning. At midnight last night it was at 3 1/2cm soft. So I'm ordered to watch and pay attention to my body. He also wants to see me again Monday or I just scheduled the appointment tuesday afternoon. We also have one Friday morning. So we'll see....I've decided to head off and start getting ready for Hannah's arrival....labor bag...wash clothes..little stuff. God Bless! Have any question e-mail me otherwise I will try and keep this updated.

1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

No, your not talking to your self, We are watching. Great way to keep up things,
Love you, See you soon,
Aunt Barb and Uncle Dave