Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Doctors Appointment

Alright, our doctors appointment was earlier this morning. It went well. Hannahs doing great as usual and inducing was talked about. She has dropped into position and my body is where it needs to be to induce. My cervix is still dialated 3 1/2cm and soft. Hannah is still just as active in there when she wants to be and it has become a very painful process for me. My body is sore and I am ready but like I told the doctor "I am really uncomfortable and I am really tired But I want whats best forthe baby." So with that said it was decidedthat we would wait another week and then set the day to induce around her due date which is a week from Saturday. So more than likely we'll get to meet Hannah by the end of next week. yay! Well thats all for now! God Bless!

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