Thursday, January 8, 2009

OB Confirmation

We had our OB Confirmation appointment this morning. It went well...and as expected. The due date is Sept. 6 2009 and wants to have the beginning ultrasound in a couple weeks to confirm the due date. He's pretty sure the due date is right but because the only two periods I have had weren't completely consistent he just wants to make sure. So as I am still trying to wrap my head around having a third am I continually taking care of the two I have.
This morning at YMCA KalieAnn gave me a moment where I just got completely frustrated and the first thought that popped in my head was "And your pregnant with the third?" She threw the biggest tantrum because she couldn't play with a ball and ended up having to drag her to the car.
As for Hannah...she is still growing like a weed. She knows how to climb up stairs and is starting to try to balance to stand.

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