Saturday, January 3, 2009


Well we got an interesting present for our 5th Wedding Anniversary. We found out this evening that we are now expecting our third!
Mitchell is truly excited and don't get me wrong I am excited but along with my excitement comes nervousness. I have moments during the day where the two drive me nuts and I wonder if I can even handle another one. What keeps me calm and excited is this one thing. I wouldn't be pregnant if God didn't think I could handle it. That keeps me calm. What keeps me excited is I love our kids!
Now the only reason we know..well...theres a picture of it up above..yes you guessed right...the pregnancy test...and I'm a week late on my period! So now we need to schedule the doctors appointment. I looked online and according to online our due date will be September 5, 2009. Which makes me 5 weeks along. Well there's the news. I think I am going to go enjoy the rest of our evening!!
In Case some of you read this prior to this edit...yes I did add this on...I thought I would add Mitchell's theory on this baby. Its going to be a Boy and its going to be born on the 3rd of September. Some don't catch on so fast to the 3rd of Sept. So let me explain. KalieAnn our first child was born on the 1st October and Hannah our second child was born on the 2nd of March. So Wa La! The hope of our third child being born on the 3rd of September! And for some...why boy? Well he really wants his boy. :) God Bless!!!

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