Thursday, June 25, 2009

Potty Training

Hannah has somehow gotten the idea that she wants to start Potty Training. Amused thinking...yeah okay..she's too young for this but okay if she wants to try I'm game. Well Hannah would sit on her Potty every time either KalieAnn or I went to the bathroom. However she didn't go in her potty. She'd pee as she's playing. I'd explain to her that's Pee Pee and it needs to go in the Potty. Now I am not really known for my patience on certain things and needless to say my patience went fast with this. Like I tell Mitchell...I think she just wants to be like her Sister and Mommy and isn't quite at the age of understanding it yet. I ask Hannah if she wants to wear a diaper because I was tired of constantly of having to watch her and once again clean up a little ones Pee. Her Response "Nooo!!!!!" or "Ugh!(while pushing the diaper away)." First thought that came to mind "Fine!" Then next thought "Why am I always the mother that would rather her kids be in a diaper than Potty Train and yet wind up with the Kids that WANT to Potty Train early?" So two reasoning's came to mind.
One...I think because both times I've found myself in the Potty Training Stages I've been Pregnant. KalieAnn was finished being Potty trained by the time Hannah was born. Why such a big deal that it happens while your Prego? One I'm VERY emotional and Hormonal when I am pregnant and Two I was/am spending so much time in the bathroom. So when I potty train these two I REALLY feel like I live in the bathroom.
Two...I remember while growing up that my little brother whom is 10 yrs younger than me didn't Potty Train until he was four...and even then it took a little girl to get him to want to. So knowing that I didn't expect any of my kids to Potty Train early...I assumed that was normal...which from what I hear is for boys. So much to my surprise that KalieAnn wanted to start at 20 months old!! And Hannah will be 16 months on the 2nd!!
Now tonight I was getting the girls into the shower with me before bed. Before Hannah got in the shower she ran to her Potty...curious I just watched. she stood in front of it Peed..reached down to play in it...looked up and Smiled at me.."Pee Pee." I was like "Yeah!!! In the Potty Please!!!" So Maybe I'm wrong...maybe she is ready for this...we'll see!! My Grandma told me that out of all seven of her kids only two weren't Potty Trained by the time they were 18 months. My response! "Wow!" That SO unheard of these days!!! Well That's all that's really been new here! Tomorrow Morning is a doctors appointment for the girls and I.

No She is not Pooping!!! The Flash was just that bright!!! She has yet to actually Pee in her Potty!! She prefers to play in it while she's Peeing! Yup That's my Hannah for you!

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