Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Work In Progress!

Now here is the beginning of these Updates!!! Getting ready for Alayna to arrive!!! Its taking me sometime with her to finally get in the mood to pull everything out! With KalieAnn things were getting put away and in place the moment we got them in the mail. Things started getting put together like her bassinet and crib the moment we found out she was a girl. When I found out with Hannah that she was another girl I was ecstatic!!! I went and pulled all of the baby clothes out that afternoon!!! Granted we didn't get her crib until the month before she was born but oh well..clothes wise we were ready for her right away.With Alayna I was happy when we found she was a girl...a little disappointed for Mitchell if you want the whole truth..I really feel like he deserves a son. However at the moment God obviously feels otherwise. As a family Friend said it well...God obviously feels "he was meant to be around Women." Why its taken me till my friend came out last week to finally pull out Alayna's clothes...I dunno...maybe because its taken me that long to get excited about her and when that time came around we were so busy doing other things that getting her stuff pulled out kinda got pushed back on our priority list.
The other thing that made it hard to get the room read was the girls were staying in that room. Last weekend Mitchell took the twin bed that was sitting in that room by the window downstairs in the girls room. During the last week and a half Hannah has decided that she no longer wants to sleep in her toddler bed but the twin size. We'd tell her it was time to go nigh nigh's and she would run to her twin bed! Our original plan was to get a new crib because I didn't want to rush Hannah out of her toddler bed. So when we went to do our furniture shopping we got the dresser that was on sale because we were under the impression we were going to have to buy a new crib. Might as well just match the crib to the dresser. So now we're debating on whether or not we should buy a new crib. We are also going to buy a new glider because Mitchell leaned to far back on if it was a rocking chair and snapped the back support off. So now if you lean if a little to much on the back you run the risk of falling backgrounds. But the crib thing is all up in the air at the moment!! Do you think we should get a new crib? Or do you think its okay her furniture won't match lol? are some pics of the room at the moment...

There's the Crib in question. You wouldn't believe all the toys that I had to pick up off this floor lol. These kids have too many toys!! The two toy boxes Mitchell made...remember those? Yeah they are OVER filled!

Here's the other half of the room. The twin bed was along the wall where that window was....ended up moving it along the wall next to the dresser...Hannah would tear apart the blinds...Another thing we need to fix before the baby's born. Along with putting up curtains.

Now as I show her clothes keep in mind these only go up to her 3/6 Month clothes. So here are her outfits that I have gotten hung up.

Her top drawer is filled with her spanky pants, socks, hats, and Bibs.
No here are her pants, shorts and skorts!
Last but not least her Pajamas!!!

Now here is the pile of her clothes that go up to 9 months! Half of this pile is in the washing machine waiting to go into the Dryer....that right there should give you an idea of how big this pile really is!Its going to take me at least two big loads to wash these! So when I say she doesn't need anymore clothes!!! At the moment I mean it!!! We'll see how fast she grows out of them and what season she is in for them. So this includes my update on the baby's room.! Well I best get to organizing more of these clothes. Now that the Tupperware container from these are empty it leaves a place for all the clothes that are current girls are growing out of!

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