Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sippy Cups

Since Hannah was a year old we have been trying to get Hannah away from her bottles. Now weaning an infant off bottles was new to me. KalieAnn was nursed till she was 14 months old. So her juice she got straight from a sippy cup at a young age. Then weaning off me she went straight to whole milk in a cup too. Hannah stopped nursing at 6 months because my body just couldn't make enough. Now that I look back I think Hannah was and is a little piggy. I probably did make the same amount that I did for KalieAnn but wasn't enough for her. When I took her off nursing she drank 16 ounces of formula in one feeding!!!! Anyway the point is this is our first experience having to wean our cute little stinker off a bottle. I think we've had more pressure from WIC(Women, Infant, and Children) to wean her off than anyone else.
Here's a cute picture of our KalieAnn...our oldest stinker...I love their beautiful blue eyes!!!
Here's our other blue eyed stinker that we've been trying to wean off the bottles. Now for the past four months we were able to get her to drink juice out of the straw sippy cups but wouldn't budge on her milk. I called a friend that used to be a neighbor across the way from us in Okinawa, Japan that I knew had to wean her kid of bottles. She told me try to Sippy Cups at Walmart that have the soft tops like a bottle. The one you see in the picture above. Until last week she wouldn't budge on her milk! It had to be in a bottle! Well lets just say I didn't do a very good job of keeping track of where all her bottles went. So when I found them all dirty and in the dishwasher I realized I didn't have a clean bottle to put her to bed with...just sighed...realizing this might be a long night...grabbed that sippy cup..and told myself this will have to do for least until the dishwasher was clean. I had to fight her a couple times about it but I finally told her "Look! All your bottles are icky!! This will have to do tonight!!! This is all Mommy's got!" I laid her down and handed it to her. To my surprise she took it and that was that. The next night came around and I asked Mitchell "She took it for her nap no problem...wanna try again?" He said sure. She took it no problem. So I don't want to jinx myself but I think my little girl is finally weaned off bottles!!! Now she is starting to fight going to bed...conquer one thing and a new one always comes up lol!! Gotta Love it!!!

1 comment:

Christina Weedon said...

Camden has used those sippy's since about five months. He loves 'em! Oh--and for your next bean, they have another version with handles. Easier to hold on to when they're littler.