Thursday, May 21, 2009

OB Appointment

This morning we had my OB Appointment...well obviously..if you read the title. Alayna's heart beat was normal...but for the life of me I can not remember what it was and he said my measurements were right on. Plus I've gained four pounds!!!! I weighed in at 145. This is a good I don't feel terrible when I work out at the YMCA.
I was really proud of myself last Tuesday. I got up in time to make it the Water Aerobics class they hold. I was tired but happy..I finally got here in time for this. Plus by the time it ended I had enough time to take a shower before KalieAnn's Preschool Activity Time was over. So I got in my black maternity swim suit and get in the water. As I started working out and following the instructors instructions I caught out of the corner of my eye a white strap on my shoulder!Believe it or not it Actually took me a minute to register it was there!!! I had forgotten to take of my white bra! Here I was submerged in water which now means my bra is officially soaked! Completely embarrassed I worked my way up to the swim instructor to inform her I needed to go back in the locker room for a minute. She looked at me kind of funny..with the why I tried to quietly inform her I forgot to take my bra off. Didn't matter anyway the whole class figured it out. So I went back in the Locker room and used their machines that rings the water out of the bathing suites on my bra...hung it up in my Locker, made sure I was adjusted and headed back to the class. Luckily it was a class of mostly when I got back in the water..they just insured me that it was okay it happens to the best of us. But even though they were of course the most supportive group of people I still wanted to cry because I was so embarrassed. It took me till after I left to be able to laugh about it. Luckily during that time frame my bra was aired out and dry by the time I needed to put it back on.
Other than my little sporadic mine lapses that I get everything here is good. I've become the cleaning energizer prego women! I've been in the mood where everything can't be straightened up and had to spotless! Just ask Mitchell I'm not exaggerating. I was whipping down the table after dinner last night...he comes up to give me a I figured okay I'll stop for a second. The hug obviously last longer than a about the minute mark I was kind of trying to reach for Hannah's chair to wipe it down hoping he wouldn't notice. Well he did. I got the question I can't hung my wife for a second...and I politely responded you did for at least 60 (seconds). Realizing I was being smarty pants no matter how polite I put it I apologized..."I'm sorry hunny but I need this Kitchen cleaned." "It is cleaned" "No I need to finish wiping it down(I use Lysol Wipes)...I'm almost done I promise then you can hug me for as long as you want!" Just shaking his head he walks out of the room informing me that he loves me. I even shampooed our carpets yesterday and let me tell you they soo needed them! The rooms have a beautiful shine to them now! In case you don't believe me...let me tell you this..Mitchell got me the Cricut Expressions machine because it was on sale a couple of days. If you really know me you would think I would have had it out of the box the moment I got home...nope I waited a couple days to get it out. Played with it for about a half hour till it frustrated me...put it away and haven't messed with it since. Why you ask? Well too much cleaning needed to be done of course!!! Plus there is always the girls. They were driving me nuts while I was trying to figure it out. So I tell myself I'll do it when they go down for bed but by then I'm too exhausted and just wind up going to sleep. I know that one of these days I will have it down and once I do it will be a lot of fun. Until then I have cleaning, packing(we're going back up to Duluth this weekend and yes we are staying at a different hotel wouldn't dream of staying there again), and then I need to get everything put away, cleaned and ready to be invaded by one of my Best Friends and her wonderful two kids on Tuesday. When I think about it...I think Poor Mitchell...two prego women and four kids under the age of 4..then then the next thought is "oh well My Friend is coming to see ME!!!!" Who would've known. lol. Anywhoo I'm off to yes clean and organize. We're going to try and leave for Duluth tonight after KalieAnn's swim class. I'll post pics when we get back!!...which reminds me I need to remember to charge the battery in my camera! God Bless!

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