Monday, July 14, 2008


So far we are still waiting for the test results. They said it can be up to 48 hours before they know anything about her blood cultures..with that being said the ones they took Saturday evening should come in some time tonight.
I was able to go see her because my friend Jeanette was nice enough to be able to take Hannah for us and she didn't look good. She wasn't eating or drinking and just wanted to be left alone. Mitchell said when she was awake she was crying and when she wasn't she was sleeping.
On a good note...I was almost home from picking up Hannah and he called me and said she wants a I said "Okay I'll be right there!!!" I got there and it was a whole different story. She was more like herself. She even took a bite out of her taco! On the other hand she was like this last night too but wound up getting worse in the morning. With that said we're not getting our hopes up too much but I'm taking what I can get. And if that means for now hugging my little girl, telling her I love her and in return getting a "love you too Mom...Let go Mom" then I'm off the walls happy! Thank you again for your prayers and support, it means a lot! God Bless!!

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