Wednesday, August 19, 2009


My OB appointment was yesterday morning. Alayna is doing good. She was very active during the visit and her heart beat was at 150. There are times I swear our little stinker is literally trying to pull her way out and oh man it hurts. Her measurements are right on and the doctor said everything was looking good. He didn't check my cervix..he would have if I was curious. Lets face it..I am curious but not curious enough to voluntarily go through that. So naturally I said "I don't care...I'm curious but if I don't have to I'd rather not." So that's where it was left. My contractions are still hanging around. This morning I had a really strong one that led me to laying on the floor of my I've been having small ones here and there. Mainly just lots of pressure on my nerves.
Good news is that Mitchell took care of some of the things in the Nursery the night I posted the last update. He put the crib together and got the shelf in the closet fixed. I find myself sitting in the glider looking at the crib. I've been finding that very relaxing. Well I'm going to try to work on some laundry before I take the nap with the girls. That way I can feel like I accomplished something today.

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