Thursday, January 14, 2010


As parents we constantly worry about our children and stairs. We worry about them falling down stairs...well I fell down the stairs yesterday morning. I was headed downstairs to go wake up the girls to get them dressed and ready to get KalieAnn to school. I have fallen down this particular set of stairs a couple times and I have to say this is the hardest hit I have taken from them. My feet slipped off one of the steps and found myself landing lower back first near the bottom. Needless to say KalieAnn was late but only by like five minutes to school. I've been taking Tylenol since and I woke up this morning with my whole Torso hurting but every time I bend it feels like shooting pains in my lower back. If I keep my back straight up I am fine but bending or even picking anything up hurts. So I've finally given in and called the doctors office. I'm waiting for an on call doctor to call me back. I made the decision when I realized this effects me taking care of Alayna. It hurts to bend down and pick her up...or put her down...if I'm holding her and my back is straight I'm fine. So we'll see...just thought I'd put the update on.

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